Welcome to African Time web site


What is African Time? African Time is a radio programme in Graz, Austria
in Radio Helsinki 92.6 MHZ on Sundays 8 - 10 am, every 2nd Sunday 8 - 11 am

What is the aim and object of this programme

When I came here newly, I was rushed to hosipital. Because my heart was feeled to break. I lived in the hosipital few months. I was sent back to pention. But that does not mean that my problem have been solved. Every time used to think that the best thing is to comite suicuid. Then I started visiting many therapists from different organisations two times in a week till date although l got something to eat every day, but the problem still remain in my heart. Today l thank God for his mercy upon my life.

In few months ago I and Veronika visited some of the caritas hauses. We found out that there are many people feeling to kill themself, because of their problems. For example there is an african, he lost his family, he is two months old here in Austria till date he feel crazy.
Some are even in the houspital till date. Because of their life problem, some are always in the office of their therapist, some are feeling lonly, because its difficoult for them to live, they are newly, they can't understand the language, they can not even get any information about their home country, they can't listen a music from their home country.
We dcided to have this programme on the air to enable them feel a littel bit better. And also have information about their country and about the country which they are living presently too. And to know what is allowed to do and not to do.
For instance there is an information getting to us from one of the caritas house, that some of the Africans, that are living there. When they get a ticket which has been stamped by the office already, they will also stamp it in the second time, which is not allowed, but the fact remains, that they don`t know. And when they were controled by the bus controller in the tram or bus with this ticket and the controller give them "Strafee", they will be thinking, that the controller is not friendly to them. So that is, why we started this programme to keep them more inform.


Since we started this programme, we have achived a lot. Almost the aim to start with, for instance in the first six weeks we have intertained almost threehundred live calls in our programme. We had many calls from Wien, Oberösterreich, Niederösterreich and Klagenfurt, asking us how they can be able to receive our programme in their radio. Another fifteen calls from hospital telling us that they are happy since we started this programme.
For Africans who are new in Graz, the first thing on Sunday is to listen the programme. A landlord from a street in Graz told us that his Africans tenant used to be happy on Sundays. He is now happy too with his family on Sundays because our programme is in German, French and English.


We have made a lot of interview with some of an important dignities for example Franz Küberl, the president of Caritas after his visit to Mosambique. And also we have invited many official people in our programme. Such as Mag. Brigitte Krenn, who was often in Africa and Hermann Glettler, who travelled to Nigeria few months ago. And host of others, they all still hope to come again to our programme.


We speak English, French and German language in our programme to enable our fellow Austria to enjoy our programme and to pratice togetherness. Because we are one. No matter your colour. one famous musician sing a song, which says "different colour-one people". We also plead on behalf of African Time programme to those who cannot understand the above mentioned languages to please bear it with us.


On behalf of the African time programme we are imploring different organisations to promote us. Presently we are ten people, making this programme. We earn nothing. We need money to buy some music on CD. Because for the radio programme it is not enough quality to play cassettes only.
In a mutuall, the African time programme is in need of support from different organisations, individuals both in material and finacial support. 

Contribution: Steir. Raiffeisenbank 7.456.890 BLZ 38000 BAODO-Kunstverein.